Monday, February 9, 2009

Stayin' in the lines....yeah he is!

We've struggled a little bit with getting Beau interested in coloring, tracing object....basically anything to do with his small motor skills, he could cared less. After our visit with the parents as teachers the other day, she said we needed to work on small motor skills. Of course, I freaked out. She reassured me that he was fine, but that was something he needed to work on. So, this afternoon we got our homework out (If Beau thinks it's homework he's very excited to do it, all his older cousins have homework) and this is what he did. I'm so proud of him. It was like something clicked inside of him, and he was excited to color. I think he was interested because it was a puzzle, something that was hidden and he had to find it. He never fails to amaze me!!

I helped him the tentacles, he did the rest. (I think they're tentacles?!?!)

1 comment:

Glynis said...

Yea! Good job Beau!