Thursday, July 31, 2008

Batman Beau!!

It's been in C.F.'s and my heart to teach Beau that God's his provider, and that He's good, and that he can trust Him. We've been especially teaching him about His goodness and that He wants the best for him. Well to make a long story short, he took some of his piggy bank money and put it in the offering and he asked God for a batman suit. We hooked our faith up with his and got excited with him. So yesterday we get a phone call from Shawna and girls and they wanted to know if there was any toy Beau wanted because they felt led of God to get him something. God is so good. It's one thing to believe God for yourself and for Him to provide for you, but it's another thing to trust Him with your children. He's so good!


Glynis said...

Praise God! That is such a great testimony and lesson for him to learn at such a young age.
I'm crying (and I don't think it's just the crazy hormones!) :)

The Caswell's said...

God is soooo good!!!!! We are so excited for Beau!!! We can't wait to see him in his costume in person.
Morgan and Jake can't wait to be able to post their praise report too!