Monday, November 30, 2009

A Happy Thanksgiving, Indeed!

I am so bad. We had all kinds of family in for the weekend and I took zero pictures.
I didn't get one of my mom's table on Thanksgiving day, which was beautiful. I didn't get any of Uncle Kevin, Colby & Lori, who all flew in from Georgia and Michigan.
None with Brighton and Rigley, either.
How bad is that?
In spite of not getting any pictures, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. GREAT food at both my mom's and mother-in-law's. GREAT conversation, and most importantly, we had a GREAT Sunday morning service. The worship was amazing (we have the best worship leaders), and the Holy Ghost moved in an awesome way. God truly is good!

I did, however, take some pictures of a couple things we did before Thanksgiving to celebrate it.
Here's an art project that Beau, Lucy and I did: our "Thankful Tree."
Beau was thankful for mommy (not really sure why daddy got the shaft). Lucy was thankful for juice.

Thanksgiving morning I made the kids their turkey pancakes. They didn't turn out like they were supposed to. Apparently, I used all the red food coloring last Christmas, and red is the color to make brown & orange. So, I had to improvise. The yellow food coloring and chocolate chips came in handy. Beau helped me with the design of the bird.

Lucy had already started to eat her's, without bib and all, before I could snap a picture.

Here's a funny one. When I was little I always wanted long hair. I'd put anything on my head (blankets, towels, long-sleeved t-shirts...ect.) to pretend that it was longer.
Look who's following in mommy's footsteps.
She'll even make her daddy put a blanket on his head and play with her. Too funny!

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