Over the weekend of the 4th, brother Kevin got married!!! Yay! (Being that there's 3 Kevin's in the family, we have to identify which one we are talking about, e.g. brother Kevin, Ramona's Kevin and Little Kevin.) He married the most wonderful person, Lori, and we are so blessed to have her in the family. Seriously, I love her. :) We also got new nieces and nephews, who were just as wonderful. Welcome to family Lori, Jake, Kayla, Samantha, Brandon and Family!!

Here's one of Beau at the wedding, which earlier that day he had informed me that he was not going, and that he would just see everyone back at Mimi's for dessert. After I told him that he was in fact going, I found him in his closet going through his clothes looking for his Iron Man shirt 'cause "he needed something to wear". This kid cracks me up.

We spent the evening of the third doing all the fireworks being that A.J. and Kevin were leaving the next morning, which worked out really well because of all the rain. All the kids and many of the adults had fun blowin' stuff up. Lucy wasn't too fond of "cracker's". She says, "Cracker's scare me, Mommy!" Sadly, this is the only picture I got the whole evening.

The day of the forth we headed over to Uncle Neal and Louise's, where the kids had such a fun time! They have free-roaming chickens on their farm, and one of them you can actually hold and pet. I didn't have it in me to let Beau and Lucy hold it, but they chased that thing all over the farm. It was very funny to watch.

She found a very good hiding spot.